Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What's your name worth?

Survivor South Pacific has finally concluded with a bang! And by bang I mean a lot of reflection on my part. Given the entire video of the finale above, I think I could go ahead and spoil for the sake of saying what I really want to say. So go ahead and read at your own sake, after the jump...
Hell yea~, the first 5 minutes of the finale was intense and showed the remaining castaways in the light to why they should win and why they were there.
For me, this episode was more about (1) my personality coming off as very blunt and arrogant, to the point that people are intimidated by me, (2) what is my name worth, and lastly (3) a new blend of faith, and the current faith that I have.
Noticing from my previous post, most people would most likely hate me at an instant. Many of my friends and even my relatives say I talk with arrogance. Yes, I would confirm that! But to me, that's better than being seen as a weak individual, because I really am weak inside. This facade seems to be effective because it fends off possible personalities that might tear me down. Ozzy called Sophie a brat, but I can see where Sophie stands at this, and she even broke down. 
Quoting Sophie, "It hurts when people use your strength as your weakness". Sophie is not a brat, and she's just confident, "... very blunt, and very intimidating...". I could not say if she's weak inside just like me, but I somehow connect with her. And *spoiler ahead* she deserved the win!
What's your name worth?
Who would have thought that the infamous Rick would blow my mind so hard, the title of this post was a quote from him during the last tribal council. Reputation-- it's one of my kryptonites. I hate putting up a good name for yourself, and in an instant all that you have is a bad reputation. Why not have a bad reputation from the start, and when you do anything good, people would praise you, and doing something bad people would not seem to care. Brilliant isn't it?
So what makes reputation my weakness? It's not MY reputation that I call my weakness, it's my father's. Ever since I was young, all I could hear from him was, "Do good, or what would other people say. I taught you right, learn to act correctly."  It's like being someone's pet. He's just in it for himself. But still, he's my father. I still love my father. But oh well~
Blind faith game
Moving on, and talking about R.E.M.'s famous song, all I made were funny faces every time Brandon talked about religion. As Ozzy said, "He's playing the blind faith game. He thinks he's playing with god, but he's not. He's playing with human beings who are greedy for that money." I would not explain this further, but f*ck yeah!
Also, Ozzy finds his god in nature, it's where he thinks god lives, and it fuels him to survive the harsh environment with ease.
This post seems to be pointless and out of nowhere, but who cares. It's mine and it makes me feel good! 


  1. So true Clark, you're intimidating people sometimes but I don't mind it 'coz I'm used to it.

  2. It's just the facade, know me better and you'll see!

  3. Yes! It's the facade, but you are very different when you started to talk seriously.

  4. Haha, then this blog could be aka 'The Other Side'
